Saturday, March 19, 2016


Hi guys so today I talked to Isa and turns out one of the blue contacts broke! That's just my luck right? We have the perfect film prop and it breaks. Tomorrow I will look into where we can buy some quality creepy blue contacts (if you know a place please comment below). On top of that, since spring break started Thursday afternoon my group and I are having some trouble getting a time/day to meet up. We're all busy on different days and it's very frustrating because we obviously want to all contribute equally. We are hopefully going to all meet up either tomorrow or Monday to draw out the story board and create our step by step story. Even though we are having some complications I'm sure we can surpass them and create a pretty good short film opening. I'll let you know as soon as my group has decided when we can get together and make the story board (I'll even post our draft of it) and I'll let you know where and when we buy the new fake contacts (I'll also let you know the quality and the price).
                                              Until next time, Carolina

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